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Lesson Two

Name your Side Hustle

Instant recognition

You can’t have a business without a name – The same can be said for your Side Hustle. Yes, you are starting off small, but rather set yourself up to be successful and have a name that can grow with your efforts. Your customers will associate your Side Hustle’s name with the value they receive from your service.

So, we want to find a name that not only best represents your services/products on offer, but also one that allows you to stand out from the crowd.

Let’s find you a name that will beat your competitors and let people know you mean business!


Down into the rabbit hole we Go! It may seem on paper, like a simple task of choosing a name for your Side Hustle and moving on. Sadly, it is not. We will always tend to over think our ideas, second guess our values, and spend way too much time on it. That’s ok, as it is something that mean a lot to us! Just believe in yourself and try to keep it simple…

So, we need to start by brainstorming our ideas. Get creative, think outside the box and don’t be afraid to add some personality to it! Use the below techniques to come up with a variety of names to be considered:

Anything that comes to mind with your product/service.

Write down all of your values and qualities and see what stands out most.

Write down all of the things associated with your ideal customer.

This can be anything you personally identify with like a nickname etc.

Name your Side Hustle
Name your Side Hustle

Short listed

Now you will have a page with a good 5-10 possible names to be considered. It is time to whittle it down to the winner. What we want to avoid is any name that is too similar to a competitor, or something that limits your growth. This means you can’t use Baker’s cupcakes (Too close to Baker’s biscuits) or HomeGrown Cupcakes (You may start baking cakes, breads etc).

So, to find your best fit name, put each potential option through the below questions:

Is it too trendy – Trends change and may not be relevant in a few years.

Is it hard to pronounce – Your customers need to easily spell and say your name.

Does it represent my personality and Side Hustle – Do you actually like it?

Once you have gone through these tests you should have only one or two names left – Just go with your gut feeling and pick one to get started!

Quick Question

Your Side Hustle name should be similar to what?

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