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Lesson One

Side Hustle ideas short course

Side Hustle ideas short course

What is a Side Hustle?

The reasons for your side business are endless, it doesn’t really matter why you started it, but we all want it to succeed. A side hustle is a business venture you take on in your spare time to bring in some extra money and hopefully build it into a viable Full-term business.

As you are most likely doing this over the evenings and weekends, your time is limited. This means you need to be clear, organised, and specific about how you operate your Hustle. A lot of the work is needed during the set up of your idea and operation, then it’s all about sales and networking.

Does it fit your lifestyle?

Each type of Side Hustle you are thinking of will have different requirements of your time and resources. You need to think ahead and figure out how you are going to fit these demands in with your current job, family life and personal activities. There is no point in going through all of the hard work in getting your Hustle set up, only to decide it takes up too much time and quit.

The best way to organise your time requirements is to decide which part of your free time you are willing to give up each week. For some it is easier to do extra work in the evenings once home, and others it would be the whole day on the weekend. Either way, once you know when you have the free time then you can match up a side hustle that fits. Freelancing is great for any weeknights or weekends, whilst selling products at markets will only really work over the weekends. If you are willing to sacrifice your spare time and fully commit, then your Side Hustle will have a great chance at paying off.

Side hustle ideas Short course
Side hustle ideas Short course

Where to begin?

The easiest and most natural Side Hustle to take up is with a skillset you already have! This could be baking, photography, Woodwork, DJ’ing, and any other skill you know you are good at. These are perfect as you already are a specialist in the field, know what it takes to complete the task and will have some previous work to show off.

If you are lucky enough to have one of these, then all that is needed is to set up your business operation and start selling!

But if you didn’t make that cut then not to worry… We have some options for you to consider.

Quick Question

Do you need to quit your day job to start a Side Hustle?

Side Hustle ideas short course

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