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Lesson One

History of the language

Made up from Dutch, German, French, and other African languages – The Afrikaans language was born out of a wide mix of cultural influences. This is most commonly found in the Cape regions of South Africa.

The language itself has many Dutch and German phrasings as well as Malay and even Portuguese. There are also similarities taken from the clicking sounds of the other local languages.

Check out our Intro video below that explains the culture of Afrikaans people!

Play Video



(The letter “aa” sounds like “aah” within a word – long sound)

Try with “Kaap” – Afrikaans for Cape.


(A sound made by the throat with the mouth open – breathing out)

Try with “Geld” – Afrikaans for money.


(The letter “v” sounds like “f” within a word – long sound)

Try with “Vis” – Afrikaans for Fish.

Check out the video below for a tutorial on how to pronounce specific letters and words!

Play Video




How are you?

Hoe gaan dit?

Excuse me

Verskoon my

Long-time no see

Lanklaas gesien

Thank you


I am good

Ek is goed

See you later

Sien jou later

Good morning

Goeie more



You are welcome

Jy is welkom

Quick Question

How do you say Thank you in Afrikaans?

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